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  1. 1. Log in to Facebook on your computer. You can do this on any browser.
  2. 2.Open a video you want to download. You will need to start playing the video.
  3. 3. Then right-click on the video. This will cause a pop-up menu to appear with PlayMute, and Show Video URL.
  4. 4. Next, click Show Video URL.
  5. 5. Copy the URL that appears at the top of the video. You can do this by hitting Ctrl + C on a Windows keyboard or Command + C on a Mac. You can also right-click the URL and select Copy.
  6. 6. Open another tab on your browser and paste the URL into the address bar. You can do this by hitting Ctrl + V on a Windows keyboard or Command + V on a Mac computer. You can also right-click and select Paste. Do not hit Enter on your keyboard at this point.
  7. 7. Replace the www in the URL with mbasicYou can do this by selecting the text using your mouse and hitting Delete on your keyboard. Then type or paste mbasic where the www used to be. So, your new URL should start with…
  8. 8. Then hit Enter on your keyboard. This will open up a new page.
  9. 9. Next, click the video that you want to download. This will open another page with a video player against a full-page black background.
  10. 10. Right-click the video and select Save video as.
  11. You can watch the video tutorial below

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